Q: Why not provide the driver's phone number?
1. To prevent the delivery efficiency from being affected
Please forgive us for not providing the drivers' phone number because the driver has to focus on the shipment delivery to various receipt addresses to earn more income and commissions. Normally, they won't choose to pick up the calls from the customers during delivery. Providing the drivers' phone numbers will only affect their delivery efficiency and progress which directly affect their income.
2. To prevent unnecessary argument
Most of the drivers are not well-educated, the ability of communication and living background is also different. If the customers contact them personally might cause an argument. Due to the job scope of drivers are difficult, and requires a lot of labour and hard works to carry the shipments, they might have a harsh tone and it is very likely to offend the customers.
We understood the feeling of the customers who wish to receive the goods ASAP, at the same time, we also hope there won't be any unhappy things happen between our customers and the drives, hence, we choose not to provide the driver's phone number. Thanks for your understandings.